Embarking on the Data-Driven Fasting Challenge was your leap towards a healthier and nutritionally optimized lifestyle. Now, as you stand at the precipice of this phase, a new journey beckons.
Transitioning beyond the challenge doesn’t mean the end of your quest for nutritional optimisation; rather, it’s a segue into a sustainable lifestyle that further cultivates your newly formed habits. This article unfolds the roadmap for those keen on either maintaining their current state or venturing into further challenges.
Uncover the essentials of transitioning, maintaining your weight, choosing your foods wisely, and setting the stage for your next nutritional expedition.
Your journey towards optimal health continues, and every step you take consolidates the progress made and propels you further into the realm of nutritional optimisation.
- 10.1 How Long Can I Do This For?
- 10.2 Maintenance Mode
- 10.3 What Should I Eat During Maintenance?
- 10.4 Should I Switch to Maintenance or Keep on Chasing My Trigger?
- 10.5 Pause Mode
- 10.6 Should I Do Another DDF Challenge?
- 10.7 When Is the Next Data-Driven Fasting 30-Day Challenge?
- 10.8 Should I Do DDF or the Macros Masterclass First?
- 10.9 How Do I Get the Free Food Lists?
- 10.10 NutriBooster Recipe Books
- 10.11 Cronometer
- 10.12 Free 7-Day Nutrient Clarity Challenge
- 10.13 Nutrient Optimiser
- 10.14 Join Our Community!
- 10.15 Follow Optimising Nutrition & Free Resources
- More
10.1 How Long Can I Do This For?
You can follow Data-Driven Fasting until you achieve your goal. For example:
- a waist-to-height ratio of less than 0.5,
- a body-fat level of less than 15% for men or 25% for women, or
- as waking glucose of less than 100 mg/dL or 5.6 mmol/L.
As shown in the chart below, a pre-meal trigger of 4.5 mmol/L or 80 mg/dL corresponds with a waking glucose of about 4.9 mmol/L or 90 mg/dL, which aligns with the lowest risk of all-cause mortality.

But if you have a long way to go, you probably won’t reach your goal in a single four-week DDF challenge. We recommend you transition to Maintenance Mode at the end of each round of the DDF Challenge or if:
- The process is becoming stressful,
- You are becoming overly food-focused,
- You are struggling to reach your trigger,
- You are feeling overly hungry, weak, cold, depressed, or lethargic,
- You notice changes in libido or monthly cycles (women), or
- You reach your weight or body fat goal,
You can always restart the process when you feel you are ready or when the next round of the Data-Driven Fasting 30-Day Challenge rolls around. You can see the schedule of upcoming DDF Challenges here.
10.2 Maintenance Mode
Long-term weight loss can get hard after a while. Therefore, it can be beneficial to take a ‘diet break’ to ‘practice maintenance’. When you’re ready to activate maintenance mode, click on the three dots on the right of the DDF app home page and select ‘maintenance mode’.
Maintenance mode will give you a slightly higher pre-meal glucose trigger (10 mg/dL or 0.6 mmol/L above your final trigger) that will help you maintain your current weight.
If you weigh yourself at least weekly, the DDF app will provide you with an updated maintenance trigger.
- If your weight drops by more than 2%, your premeal trigger will increase.
- If your weight starts to trend up, your premeal trigger will lower.
- If your weight goes up by more than 4%, we recommend you jump into the next round of the Data-Driven Fasting Challenge to dial things back in again.
Learning to maintain your weight is also a skill that many find more challenging than the weight loss process itself. Hence, it can be helpful to continue using your blood sugars to guide you as you start this new phase. You can think of it as having trainer wheels at your new lowered body weight.
Maintenance does not mean you eat anything and everything. Instead, you are practising eating in a way that enables you to maintain your weight. During maintenance, you may be able to focus a little more on the WHAT to eat side of the equation without worrying so much about eating less frequently.
It’s interesting to see that many people continue to lose weight in the maintenance phase with a higher trigger after improving their fat burning and stress less over managing their glucose.
10.3 What Should I Eat During Maintenance?
Maintenance Mode will allow you to eat more often and/or in larger quantities. Therefore, what you eat initially shouldn’t change too much. However, you can bring back more energy from carbs and/or fats if you are still hungry.
But be careful about reverting to hyperpalatable carb+fat comfort foods. Most people find these foods hard to eat in moderation. Once you start and tell your body that these foods are available, it can be hard to stop, and you may find that you quickly undo all your hard work and be back where you started. Continuing to check your premeal glucose during maintenance will ensure that you don’t go off the rails as soon as the ‘diet is over,’ as many people tend to do.
10.4 Should I Switch to Maintenance or Keep on Chasing My Trigger?
Many people are eager to continue the DDF process after the challenge rather than switching to maintenance.
If you haven’t lost much weight and easily meet your trigger at every meal, you may want to keep chasing your trigger between challenges. However, if it’s starting to get hard and you’re feeling overly food-focused, tired, cold or mentally exhausted, we strongly recommend taking a break and practising weight maintenance until the next round. It’s important you don’t push your body to the point that it has no option other than to rebel.
It’s normal for your premeal trigger to be slightly higher after re-baselining at the start of each challenge round. Periods of maintenance between challenges allow your glucose stores to replenish at this new normal before starting again. Even though your trigger may not drop further, you will continue to lose weight as you repeatedly chase your trigger in successive rounds of the DDF challenge.
10.5 Pause Mode
We designed ‘Pause Mode’ for people who want a break from chasing a lower trigger but don’t want to see their trigger go up during maintenance. Pause mode would be ideal for a quick break between challenges, especially if you are not finding the process too challenging (yet).
To activate Pause Mode, click Quick Actions (three vertical dots) and select ‘Pause Mode’. Later, when you’re ready, you can restart Hunger Training at the same trigger without having to re-do baselining.
If in doubt, we suggest you transition to maintenance between challenges rather than continue to chase a lower and lower trigger, which can get very difficult and frustrating after a few months.
10.6 Should I Do Another DDF Challenge?
Many people find they love the community support in the Data-Driven Fasting 30-Day Challenge. After one challenge, they feel they are just starting to get the hang of the process and want to keep going.
The DDF process is quite simple, but retraining your habits and finding a new groove can take some time to master. If you sign up for a single challenge, you will access the DDF app for 45 days.
If you are already an All-Inclusive Member, you will get an email inviting you to join the next challenge a month before each round starts.

The All-Inclusive Membership allows people to do up to eight DDF Challenges per year, as well as our Macros Masterclass (five per year) or Micros Masterclass (four per year) to continue their journey of Nutritional Optimisation.
10.7 When Is the Next Data-Driven Fasting 30-Day Challenge?
The growing Data-Driven Fasting community is extremely exciting as more people return for subsequent rounds of DDF to continue their journey and help newcomers find their way. You can check out the full schedule of upcoming events here.
10.8 Should I Do DDF or the Macros Masterclass First?
Data-Driven Fasting is a great introduction to kick start your weight loss journey by dialling in WHEN you eat. However, WHAT you eat eventually becomes the limiting factor.
DDF uses your premeal blood glucose, whereas the Macros Masterclass and the Micros Masterclass require that you track your food for four weeks to guide you to dial in your meal choices.
You should only bring out the big guns once you have exhausted the simplest options. But when you’re ready, the Macros Masterclass and the Micros Masterclass are excellent options to help you fine-tune WHAT you eat to help you move towards optimal.
10.9 How Do I Get the Free Food Lists?
We have created a wide range of nutrient-dense food lists tailored towards different goals that you can access in our Optimising Nutrition Community here.
- If your post-meal BGs are typically below your upper limit and do not rise more than 30mg/dL or 1.6 mmol/L after meals, we recommend using the high-satiety food list.
- If you are still working to stabilise your blood sugar to a healthy range, you should choose the blood sugar and fat loss food list.
Each food list is organised into groups (e.g., plants, animal-based, seafood). The foods at the top of each list are ranked the highest for each goal. We recommend you work through these food lists and find foods you want to incorporate into your daily routine.
10.10 NutriBooster Recipe Books
After publishing hundreds of articles about nutrient density, satiety, and optimising blood sugar and insulin levels, we finally realised that we needed to make it as easy as possible for YOU to implement in your kitchen if Nutritional Optimisation was going to become a movement.

When everything is optimised using artificial intelligence and big data these days, why shouldn’t you be able to optimise the nutrients in your food? Our ambitious goal was to reinvent and revolutionise the recipe genre by spotlighting essential micronutrients using a data-driven approach.
To bring this to fruition, we created a series of recipe books tailored to a range of goals. To help you decide, we have prepared this table with a brief description of each book and who they are most suited for.
Goal | Appropriate for |
Fat loss | Designed for rapid fat loss by providing optimal satiation from adequate protein to prevent muscle loss and decrease hunger and cravings stemming from nutrient deficiencies. |
Maximum Nutrient Density | These are the most nutrient-dense recipes available! |
Low Carb & Blood Sugar | Designed to stabilise blood sugars and maintain weight on a nutritious low-carb diet. Ideal for someone with diabetes or anyone who enjoys eating low carb. |
Blood Sugar & Fat Loss | Designed for someone with elevated blood sugars and body fat to lose. |
Bodybuilders | Designed for someone looking to gain muscle without increasing excess body fat. |
High Protein:Energy | Designed with a high protein:energy ratio for aggressive fat loss. |
Nutritional Keto | Designed for someone who enjoys eating ketogenic but does not require therapeutic ketone levels. |
Therapeutic Keto | Designed for people who require therapeutic ketone levels for specific conditions (e.g., for epilepsy, dementia, or Parkinson’s). |
Plant-Based | These are the most nutrient-dense plant-based recipes available. |
Vegetarian | These are the most nutrient-dense vegetarian meals. |
Low Carb Vegetarian | These are the most nutrient-dense, low-carb vegetarian meals designed to stabilise blood sugars. |
Lacto Vegetarian | These are the most nutrient-dense, lacto vegetarian (i.e., no meat, seafood or eggs). |
Maintenance | Designed to help you maintain your body weight by optimising nutrient content to live a healthy and energised life. |
Pescatarian | These are the most nutrient-dense pescatarian recipes (i.e., vegetarian plus seafood). |
Egg-Free | The most nutrient-dense meals without eggs. |
Dairy-Free | The most nutrient-dense meals without dairy. |
Egg & Dairy-Free | The most nutrient-dense meals without eggs or dairy. |
Athletes & Bulking | Designed to support activity or growth while optimising nutrient density. |
Meat-Based | These are the most nutrient-dense meals that contain meat (i.e., beef, pork, chicken, etc.). |
Immunity | Recipes designed to prioritise nutrients like iron, selenium, zinc, potassium, vitamins A, C, and D that support healthy immune function. |
Cancer (weight loss & nutrient density) | Designed for someone with cancer that needs less glutamic acid and methionine while maximising nutrient density and satiety to promote fat loss. |
Cancer (weight maintenance) | Designed for someone with cancer that requires less glutamic acid and methionine while providing enough energy to maintain a healthy weight. |
Cancer (weight gain) | Designed for someone with cancer that requires less glutamic acid and methionine while providing plenty of energy to support weight gain after or during cancer treatment. |
Smoothies | The most nutritious smoothies for quick and easy meals on the go. |
Low Oxalate | Low-oxalate NutriBoosters to maximise nutrient density while avoiding foods high in oxalates. |
Low FODMAP | Our Low FODMAP NutriBoosters were created to supply nutrient-dense, satiating recipes while excluding high FODMAP foods. |
Low Histamine | We have designed this collection of NutriBoosters to minimise histamines while maximising nutrient density as much as possible. |
Low Fat | Designed for people who prefer eating low-fat, which can be great if your blood sugars are excellent, or you need to refill your glycogen stores quickly. |
10.11 Cronometer
While DDF solves the energy balance equation without food tracking, paying attention to your macronutrients and micronutrients is also helpful to help you dial in WHAT to eat to reach your goals. Similar to tracking your blood sugars, tracking your current eating habits for a period can be valuable to see if you are giving your body what it needs.
Cronometer allows users to see their macronutrient intake (carbs, protein, and fat) and micronutrient intake (vitamins and minerals). Cronometer has a paid (Gold) option, but the free version is fine for our purposes.
If your glucose is dropping, but you do not see the fat loss you want, we recommend slowly dialling your protein % by dialling back dietary carbs and fat.
We tend to see the best fat loss and satiety results when people work towards 40% protein. However, you don’t need to jump there immediately. It will be more sustainable if you progressively dial it up. For example, if your current protein % is 15%, try increasing it to 20% next week. If the scale isn’t moving, try 25% the following week.
You can see your protein % in Cronometer by tapping on or mousing over the ‘consumed’ circle (shown on the left below) in the app or on the computer. We will guide you through this process step by step in the Macros Masterclass, where the Smart Macros algorithm in Nutrient Optimiser will help you tweak your macro targets based on your progress each week.

10.12 Free 7-Day Nutrient Clarity Challenge
Nutrient Density is central to everything we do at Optimising Nutrition. However, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to solve the puzzle of what food YOU need to prioritise to improve the micronutrient profile of your diet. To help you understand what foods and meals you need to focus on, we created a 7-Day Nutrient Clarity Challenge.
At the end of 7 days of tracking, Nutrient Optimiser will calculate your micronutrient fingerprint (see example below) and identify which foods and meals you need to focus on to get more of the nutrients you are currently getting less of.
10.13 Nutrient Optimiser
Nutrient Optimiser is the DDF app’s BIG brother. We have been working on this for five years, trying to make it as powerful and simple as possible. If you have already done the 7-Day Nutrient Clarity Challenge, you will already have a login. If not, you can complete the Quiz at https://nutrientoptimiser.com/ to get set up. Optimisers who join our Macros Masterclass or Micros Masterclass get access to all the features of the NO Lab.
10.14 Join Our Community!
If you want to dive a little deeper into our world, we’d love you to join our free Optimising Nutrition Community here. After growing a fantastic community on Facebook over the past couple of years, we decided it was time to set up our own space away from the noise of social media.
All our courses are run here. You will also get a stream of recipes and other inspiration to help you continue your journey towards optimising your nutrition.
10.15 Follow Optimising Nutrition & Free Resources
In addition, we also have many resources that you can check out.
Facebook Groups
Free Tools
- Food Lists
- Macro calculator
- Food-nutrient analysis search
- Best foods for each nutrient
- NutriBooster
- 7-Day Nutrient Clarity Challenge
- Nutrients for Health Conditions
- NutriBooster Books
- Data-Driven Fasting 30-Day Challenge
- Macros Masterclass
- Micros Masterclass
- All-Inclusive Lifetime Membership
- Big Fat Keto Lies (Book)
- Data-Driven Fasting: How to Use Your Blood Glucose as a Fuel Gauge
- Join the Data-Driven Fasting Challenge
- Try the Data-Driven Fasting app
- Get the DDF Manual
- Join Our Community
- QuickStart Guide
- DDF app User Guide
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Results
- Articles
- Interviews