Macros Masterclass – Overview

Here’s an overview of what we’ll be covering in the Macros Masterclass

Week 1 – Baselining


  • Complete one week of tracking your normal diet in Cronometer to get an accurate assessment of how you usually eat and set up Nutrient Optimiser.


  • Set up Cronometer
  • Learn to log food accurately in Cronometer
  • Set up Nutrient Optimiser
  • Nutrient Optimiser basic orientation
  • Review your current macronutrient intake (protein, fat, carbs & calories).
  • Understand what a sustainable rate of weight loss (or gain) is? 
  • Identify your Kryptonite food(s). 
  • Identify the shortlist of foods that currently make up most of your calories. 
  • Set your macro targets for the coming week.    
  • Plan your food and meals for the coming week (using a combination of your usual foods and meals and some new ones recommended by Nutrient Optimiser) to meet your target macros.

Week 2 – Prioritise protein


  • Ensure you are getting adequate protein.  


  • Assess your current protein intake
  • Identify your macro targets using Smart Macros.
  • Understand the critical role of protein in satiety and its correlation with nutrient density.
  • Identify which foods provide the majority of the protein in your current diet. 
  • Determine if you need to reduce your calorie target to achieve your weight loss goals? 
  • Learn about the thermic effect of food and why not all foods are created equal.
  • Plan your food and meals for the coming week (using a combination of your usual foods and meals and some new ones recommended by Nutrient Optimiser) to meet your target macros.

Week 3 – Find your carb tolerance


  • Determine if you need to reduce your typical carbohydrate intake. 


  • Use your blood glucose as a guide to determine if you are typically overfilling your carbohydrate fuel tank (i.e., liver glycogen and glucose in your bloodstream).
  • Establish a reduced carbohydrate target (if required).
  • Understand the influence of blood glucose swings on hunger.
  • Understand fibre and the difference between net carbs and total carbohydrates. 
  • Understand which foods contribute the majority of your carbohydrates. 
  • Update your macro targets using Smart Macros.
  • Plan your food and meals for the coming week (using a combination of your usual foods and meals and some new ones recommended by Nutrient Optimiser) to meet your target macros.

Week 4 – Leverage fat


  • Dial your dietary fat intake to balance calories to continue moving towards your goals.


  • Understand the importance of fat as a fuel source and an energy-dense lever to reduce calorie intake.
  • Understand which foods contribute the majority of the fat in your current diet?
  • Learn to select leaner protein sources (if required).
  • Plan your food and meals for the coming week (using a combination of your usual foods and meals and some new ones recommended by Nutrient Optimiser) to meet your target macros.
  • Identify your Personalised 30/30 Foods and Meals (i.e. beginning your shortlist of fewer than 30 foods and 30 meals) that you want to take forward after the Macros Masterclass.
  • Determine where you want to go next (e.g., maintenance, Micros Masterclass, another round of the Macros Masterclass or Data-Driven Fasting).
