Coffee with Cream & Stevia

This is a simple coffee recipe that I make a few of every morning for Monica to start the day to keep her blood sugars stable.  We use liquid stevia glycerite from iHerb for some sweetness.

The cream provides some energy as fat along with vitamins A, B2 and B3 and magnesium. The cream is not particularly nutrient-dense overall, but it’s a simple way to do coffee without too many carbs that usually come with milk or sugar.



  • 1 espresso shot
  • stevia
  • 1 tbsp pouring cream


  1. Pour a coffee shot or brew coffee.
  1. Add cream and stevia.
  2. Add water & stir.  
  3. Enjoy hot to start the day! 


One serving provides 54 calories but has 1 g of protein, 6 g of fat, 1 g of net carbs and P:E = 0.1.


The Cronometer screengrab below shows the nutrients provided by 2000 calories of this recipe relative to the Optimal Nutrient Intakes.   


  • Want more amazing recipes like this that focus on satiety (feeling fuller for longer with less calories/energy) and the critical nutrients you’re probably missing? Check out our NutriBooster recipe books (including free recipe samples).
  • If you want to finally lose excess weight without hunger using a guided program, including personalised satiety reports, check out the Macros Masterclass.