What Do Nutrient Dense Meals Look Like?

Beyond all the words and numbers on Optimising Nutrition, it was great to see nutrient-dense recipes people created in response to the Nutrient Optimiser Masterclass when they focused on improving their micronutrient profile on the first Nutrient Optimiser Masterclass.  

People found that sharing their food photos with the Nutrient Optimiser Facebook Group was a great way to stay accountable and get feedback from people on the same journey.  It also inspired a lot of creativity.

It has also been a great way to build the database of nutrient-dense meals and recipes in the Nutrient Optimiser that will help future users optimise their micronutrient profile.  

These nutrient-dense meals don’t fit neatly in a category.  Everyone used the tools in the Nutrient Optimiser to improve their nutrient density in their own way.   

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words, so here is a selection of some of the meals that people created when trying to improve the nutrient density of their diet as part of the challenge.  

But enough said. On to the photos.

Nutrient dense recipes

Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food
Image may contain: food

How Can I Calculate My Nutrient Intake?

If you’re interested in checking if you’re getting just enough dietary phosphorus, you can check your nutrient profile using our Free 7-Day Nutrient Clarity Challenge.  

After a week of tracking your current diet in CronometerNutrient Optimiser will give you a prioritised list of foods and NutriBooster recipes that will help you plug your current nutritional gaps.

Level Up Your Nutrient Density

To help you level up your nutrient density, we’ve prepared a Nutritional Optimisation Starter Pack to ensure you are getting plenty of all the essential nutrients from the food you eat every day.    

The free starter pack includes:

  • Maximum Nutrient Density Food List
  • Sample Maximum Nutrient Density Recipe Book
  • Sample Maximum Nutrient Density Meal Plan.

To get started today, all you have to do is join our new Optimising Nutrition Group here

Once you join, you will find the Nutritional Optimisation starter pack in the discovery section here.
