Regenerative Agriculture Q&A | Diana Rodgers

There is plenty of debate about how we can feed a rapidly growing population in a way that is healthy for us and our fragile planet with limited resources.  

Diana Rogers and Robb Wolf recently weighed into the debate.  Their book (and accompanying film) Sacred Cow proposed that, rather than doubling down on an industrial, agricultural system that created the problems we are now facing, we should move towards a mix of old and new technologies to grow our food.  

Regenerative agriculture aims to create a food production system that brings plants and animals together with less reliance on external energy inputs from non-renewable fossil fuels to regenerate our natural resources.  

Diana has been a great supporter and friend, helping spread the word about a quantified approach to nutrient density.  

I was super excited to talk to her to cover some of the frequently asked questions around the intersection of regenerative agriculture and nutrient density, including:

  • What is regenerative agriculture, and why are you so passionate about it?  
  • What is “greenwashing”?  How has the sustainability narrative been coopted?  
  • Why is regenerative agriculture so important?   
  • Why are plants and animals (together) critical to our health and the health of the planet?  
  • How are our modern industrial farming practices affecting the environment?
  • How does the environment that your food is grown affect your health?
  • What is needed for the widespread adoption of regenerative agriculture?
  • What happens if we continue on our current trajectory of food production?
  • What are the best measures of sustainability?   
  • How can we create a more vibrant ecosystem with our food choices?
  • What would happen if we moved the farm subsidies to focus on more nutrients (rather than more calories)?
  • What can we do to promote regenerative agriculture if we’re not farmers?


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