Protein Sparing Cottage Cheese and Spinach Protein Sludge

This is another high protein, high satiety, nutrient-dense creation from Ketogains’ Luis Villasenor uses in a Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) cutting phase.  

The spinach provides plenty of vitamins and minerals, while the protein powder and low-fat cottage cheese provide a 58g hit of protein in a ‘meal’ of less than 400 calories.  

Something called “protein sludge” probably isn’t going to win any culinary awards, but it ranks well if you’re looking to increase satiety while keeping nutrient density high at the same time.  



  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 100 g spinach
  • 30 g protein powder  
  • 14 g Lite salt
  • 390 g cottage cheese (non-fat)


  1. Place ingredients in the blender.  
  2. Mix.
  3. Drink.
  4. Simple! 


One serving provides 400 calories, 58g of protein, 5g of fat and 29g of net carbs.


The Cronometer screenshot below shows the nutrients provided by 2000 calories of this recipe relative to the Optimal Nutrient Intakes.  


  • Want more amazing recipes like this that focus on satiety (feeling fuller for longer with less calories/energy) and the critical nutrients you’re probably missing? Check out our NutriBooster recipe books (including free recipe samples).
  • If you want to finally lose excess weight without hunger using a guided program, including personalised personalised satiety reports, check out the Macros Masterclass.

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